“How good and pleasant it is when brothers [and sisters] live together in unity!”
~ Psalm 133:1 Are you experiencing discord, division, arguments, temptations to violence, crime, or to moral, financial, or physical dissolution? You need to listen today to hear more about how to break demonic strongholds in your life! It is not difficult. There are simple steps you can take, and one of them is to walk the perimeter of your property --whether you own it or rent it-- and sprinkle blessed (exorcised) salt while praying the prayer of consecration of your property given at the end of this podcast and also linked below. You will also hear today about the mysterious spiritual warfare the Infant King and Lord undertook while sojourning with the Holy Family in Egypt during his infancy. Links to all prayers mentioned in this podcast can be found on this web page: https://www.paulinecommunityofstjoseph.org/prayers-for-strength-and-deliverance.html
Today, I want to introduce you to a world-wide family of religious congregations and secular institutes all established with one mission in mind: bringing Jesus Christ the Divine Master—Way, Truth and Life—to the whole world. I am talking about the Pauline Family founded by Blessed James Alberione beginning on August 20, 1914 – on this day exactly 106 years ago. That was the founding of the Society of St. Paul, a group of priests ordained to preach the Gospel with the media of mass communication—unlike any priestly congregation that had ever been founded before. It was unique, radical, visionary. After this foundational congregation was formed, other congregations and secular institutes followed: the Daughters of St. Paul, the Pauline Cooperators, the Pious Disciples of the Divine Master, the Good Shepherd Sisters, the Sisters of Mary, Queen of Apostles, the Annunciationists, the Gabrielites, the Institute of Jesus the Priest for parish priests, and finally, last but not least, the Holy Family Institute for married persons, widows, and widowers.
In this impressive array of vocational offerings, there is truly something for everyone, for every walk of life, so that every person in every vocation may have the opportunity to crown his or her baptismal promises with consecration and specific vows that bind them more closely to Christ and His Church and elevate every act of daily life to an act of worship, an act of religion, an act of thanksgiving and praise to the Eternal Father, Son and Spirit, the Divine I AM from whom each one of us has life, individuality, purpose, refreshment, happiness, and eternal life if we so choose it. Check out PaulineFamily.com for more information. You can also reach out to me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you! Be sure to like and share this podcast with someone you know who is searching for a better Way to live.
Evangelization is the act of bringing the Eternal Word Made Flesh, Jesus Christ, into the world wherever we are, into all the spheres of our personal influence. It is announcing the Good News of the Kingdom of God not only in word but primarily in action, living the Gospel and healing our world by doing so. Every act of evangelization echoes the unspeakable moment of the Annunciation, when the Archangel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would conceive a Son by a mysterious encounter with the Spirit of the Living God, and bring forth into the world that Inspired Word Made Flesh, that long-awaited מָשִׁיחַ— Messiah and Savior— who saves the visible world by bringing it into communion with the invisible Divine Godhead.
Today’s topic is a deep and complex one: it is a mystical, psychological, and material reality known as human marriage and family. In our world today and in every age, the importance of the Christian call to marriage and family life is inestimable. So, how do Christian families--married couples and their children--announce the Kingdom of God? Tune into today's podcast to find out. |
AuthorPCSJ's Founder and Executive Director, Lisa Tuggle, is a vowed and consecrated Pauline living the spirituality and apostolic outreach of St. Paul in the married state according to the Statute of the Holy Family Institute, one of the branches of the Pauline Family founded by Blessed James Alberione, SSP. Lisa holds a B.A. in Great Books from the University of Notre Dame and a Master of Arts degree in Theology and Christian Ministry from Franciscan University. After 20+ years in the performing arts and 10 years as a youth minister and Director of Religious Education, she is dedicating the "second half" of her life to global catechesis initiatives while enjoying family, friends, and a simple life of prayer. Archives
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