We continue our series of reflections on the virtues. We have said that wisdom is the mother of the virtues, humility is the midwife of the virtues, and the virtue we are looking at today is the raison d'etre or REASON for all the virtues. So, tune in to find out more about the life of virtue and how it can transform our families, our communities, our nation, and our world.
Wisdom is the mother of all the virtues, but humility is the mid-wife. Without humility, virtue is not brought to life in a soul, nor indeed, in a society, a nation, or a world.
What is humility? Why is it so important for us? This podcast takes a very close look at what humility is today and in every age, and how this great gift can open up in us the life of virtue that alone is fulfilling and leads to the perfection of human life and society.
As promised last week, today's episode of EvangeliNation kicks off a series of reflections on the virtues.
The virtues are our hope for a nation in need of healing from division, discord, dishonesty, and indecency. Let's set out to reflect anew on the life of virtue! It's a return to humanity; it's our hope for a return to peace and security; it's essential for the pursuit of truth and justice; and it's a journey toward prosperity and happiness in our land and in our personal lives. So grab your Bible and adjust the volume as we dive into this week's reflection, which takes a look at the first of the virtues: wisdom. We will look at what it is, where it begins, and how it may be applied in a surprising way to current major political events happening right now. Don't miss this first episode as we set out together on a journey in search of the best and brightest future for our country, our world, and our eternal souls...and what could be more important than that? To support the ministry of EvangeliNation and empower us to offer more programs like this, just click this link: https://www.paulinecommunityofstjoseph.org/fund-evangelization.html. Blessings on your week!
Today, we need to get right at the root of what is dividing our nation and also to consider how we, as a nation of citizens can together work to overcome it. Now, this is a really interesting topic, because it is precisely why EvangeliNation exists.
We have very real civic problems but they have real Gospel solutions! We are living in times when those two realities need to come together, when by force of necessity, what we may sometimes prefer to separate or compartmentalize must come together for the integrity and wellness of every citizen of this great nation and every human being in the world. We have civics, politics, secular activities on one side and then, we have religion and spirituality on the other side, and this podcast weaves these two delicately together, as they ought to be in a society of integrity and in lives where what is seen and made visible comes from an unseen, invisible place within each one of us that is the mind, the heart, the soul, the conscience, and the imagination. So, we have these interior faculties, and we as human beings have exterior faculties or sense faculties that enable us in the body to commit acts, to engage in activity that moves physical, sensible things around. For example, we move words around in oral and written communications; we move the stuff of our physical surroundings, eg., construction materials, and all the things associated with food, clothing, and shelter, which are the basic necessities of human life. And all the things we do come from an idea that is invisible, that is part of the invisible reality that is inside our minds and hearts and will. The will power of a person is a very special faculty, because it is the locus of exterior action. What do I will to do today? What we will to do is shaped by what we think in our minds and feel and believe in our hearts. So, that is why civics, economics, and politics—macro terms for the exterior activity of every human life—and religion and spirituality—the interior life of people—all come together in what we consider together in these podcasts of EvangeliNation. And why is this important? In a word: Integrity. The integration of what we think and believe with what we do is crucial, and as you will see in just a moment, integrity is breaking down in our nation, and we have to stop that. As the New Year begins, I wanted to take a moment to explain why EvangeliNation was born, and why it’s so crucial that we engage in this sort of deep pursuit of integrity. I invite you to contact me with your feedback and any challenges you may have to the premises of EvangeliNation and any great ideas you want to share for topics to consider in 2021. |
AuthorPCSJ's Founder and Executive Director, Lisa Tuggle, is a vowed and consecrated Pauline living the spirituality and apostolic outreach of St. Paul in the married state according to the Statute of the Holy Family Institute, one of the branches of the Pauline Family founded by Blessed James Alberione, SSP. Lisa holds a B.A. in Great Books from the University of Notre Dame and a Master of Arts degree in Theology and Christian Ministry from Franciscan University. After 20+ years in the performing arts and 10 years as a youth minister and Director of Religious Education, she is dedicating the "second half" of her life to global catechesis initiatives while enjoying family, friends, and a simple life of prayer. Archives
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