I'm back from my media fast and I'm revealing where I had my secret mountaintop experience. With the coronavirus sweeping the nations, I can't wait to share with you where I went... it's the epicenter of the solution to the global pandemic! You're not going to believe this, but if you do, you will be blessed for sure. Don't forget to like, share, comment, and bring others into the EvangeliNation movement one person, one eternal soul-destined-for-happiness at a time.
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Together, we're evangelizing the nation--one heart at a time. Hey, if not now, when? If not us, then who? Friends, Today, I have something important to share: I'm going on a 10-day media fast. No cell phone, no internet, no TV, no radio, no nada! Can I do it?? Could you do it? While the media of communication in our electronic age are powerful and wonderful gifts--gifts that connect people all over the world on podcasts like this one--we cannot fully appreciate their value without being grounded in the Way, Truth, and Life that is Jesus Christ. And we do this in prayer, and--yes--fasting. Take a little time out and listen to this week's podcast about the New Evangelization, the always and forever topic of this podcast. Together, we can encounter Christ as St. Paul did, and being transformed by that encounter as Paul was, we can come to say with him, "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me." Stay blessed, Lisa
Welcome to the first podcast of EvangeliNation! (Click on the link below.)
This episode is a heart-to-heart talk with all of you listeners out there. If you want to find out what EvangeliNation is all about, this is the introductory podcast to do just that. Join us every Thursday to enter into the fray of the one and only battle that will save the world, the battle against every sin, vice, fault and defect that takes you down and prevents you from being the poster child of perfection in Jesus Christ. When Christ the perfect human being lives in you, you too can experience a life of perfection and glory. Don't forget to like (if you do) and comment, and sign up on the home page of this website for more free materials to encourage you in your faith. New to podcast listening? Don't miss this free podcast that's all about winning the interior battle and freeing you from every thing that keeps you from being all you were created to be. EVANGELINATION is evangelizing the nation one person at a time every Thursday right here and via all major podcasting venues. Feel free to drop me a line with topic requests or to be my special guest! Email [email protected] or contact me on social media! Welcome to my new series of blogs, vlogs, and podcasts! It is my hope that you will learn something new here to draw you closer to Christ each time you visit. Forming Apostles for the Great Evangelization is what this space is all about. I call it EvangeliNation-- the act of evangelizing the nation.
Before I move to podcasting and broadcasting though, it seems right to put first things first; it is necessary to say a few words about Saint Joseph, after whom PCSJ is named. As the month of March begins, we prepare to celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph (March 19), and during this time of Lenten fasting, we "go to Joseph" to provide Bread for us--that is, Jesus Christ, the Living Bread come down from heaven. Saint Joseph was the protector and foster father of this Holy Living Bread, and he is still providing for the Mystical Body of Christ that is the Church. We depend on Joseph to provide for all our needs just as Jesus and Mary did. Like the ancient Joseph, who was the son of Jacob (who wrestled with God and so became "Israel"), Saint Joseph was an interpreter of dreams, and this gift was absolutely essential for the preservation of the life of the infant Jesus from the murderous designs of Herod. Just as the ancient Joseph interpreted rightly the dream of the Pharaoh of Egypt, and thereby saved the known world from widespread famine (read Genesis 47:13ff), so the foster father of Jesus saved the life of our Savior because of a dream in which he was told to flee with the child and his mother into Egypt. In this act of faith, Joseph saved the world like his ancient predecessor, for the world and its inhabitants could not have been--and still cannot be--released from the unbreakable cycle of sin and death without Jesus Christ, the God-Man in whom divinity and humanity is reconciled. Next to Mary, the Mother of God, no one else had so much to do with bringing Christ--the Way, Truth, and Life-- to the world than St. Joseph. We have much reason to thank St. Joseph for his faithfulness to grace, his many labors, his courage, and his willingness to follow inspiration received in dreams. We too have dreams and visions. Mine is to answer the call of the Gospel, to bring the Word to the world. By using the gifts God has richly bestowed upon me, I want to walk with you on a journey of discovery, as together we seek to better know, love, and serve the God who has revealed in the stunning events of salvation history his great Heart of Love. I hope you will join me on this journey of reflection and faith. Perhaps, you will find just the right Word you need to be the best you can be. |
AuthorPCSJ's Founder and Executive Director, Lisa Tuggle, is a vowed and consecrated Pauline living the spirituality and apostolic outreach of St. Paul in the married state according to the Statute of the Holy Family Institute, one of the branches of the Pauline Family founded by Blessed James Alberione, SSP. Lisa holds a B.A. in Great Books from the University of Notre Dame and a Master of Arts degree in Theology and Christian Ministry from Franciscan University. After 20+ years in the performing arts and 10 years as a youth minister and Director of Religious Education, she is dedicating the "second half" of her life to global catechesis initiatives while enjoying family, friends, and a simple life of prayer. Archives
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