The Central Biblical Commission of the Pauline Family met in Italy this year to plan a world-wide Pauline initiative "l'Anno Biblico" or "The Year of the Bible," which will begin on Blessed Alberione's Feast Day, November 26, 2020 and continue for one year until the next Founder's Day in 2021.
The Year of the Bible is designed to be a spur for all Paulines to delve more deeply into the Bible and to press us to carry the Word to the world with ever greater determination and efficacy. A team of Paulines in North America got together in September to discuss the Year of the Bible in a virtual meeting with Sr. Miriam Manca, PDDM, who serves as PDDM Superior General in Rome, Italy and who is the Pauline Central Biblical Commission member responsible for disseminating information to North America. The virtual conversation was enlightening. In it the North American team learned about several key events coming up in Italy to inaugurate the Biblical Year, and the team was also encouraged to apply creativity and zeal for the Gospel in bringing to life similar events here on our English-speaking continent. In Rome, the Year of the Bible is to begin with a candlelight service at the beginning of Lauds on the 26th. There will be a sung refrain and the prologue to the Gospel of John will be read (e.g., “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…”). A preparatory liturgical event will take place on November 21st at 6:00 p.m. Italian time (12:00 noon U.S. eastern time) and will involve a livestreaming event incorporating various languages. Visit for more information about viewing this liturgy. The opening ceremony of l’Anno Biblico will take place in Rome at the Church of Jesus Master, the last edifice Bl. Alberione built and the burial site of PDDM founding superior Ven. Mother Mary Scholastica Rivata. The last "Anno Biblico" was launched by Bl. Alberione himself in the 1960’s. Symbolism of the Pauline Biblical Year Logo The Pauline Biblical Year logo is inspired by two biblical images: the sower (Lk. 8:4-15) and the runner (1 Co. 9:24). Both biblical references indicate an action to be carried out with a sense of responsibility and urgency. The sower must sow in such a way as to expect an abundant harvest in due time. The runner, after sufficient preparation, must win the race. The combination of these two references brings us to the theme of the Pauline Family’s Year of the Bible: “That the Word of the Lord may speed forward” (2 Thessalonians. 3:1). So as to avoid bewildering the observer, the logo employs simple shapes and colors. The sower, depicted as leaning forward, tosses into the air 10 seeds symbolizing the 10 branches of the Pauline Family. The different sizes of the seeds and the different directions in which they move indicate the different services of the various branches of the PF and the different spheres of society in which they have been called to root themselves. Red, on the other hand, is the universal color of zeal and passion. The color of blood, it motivates us to fix our gaze on an urgent goal: that the Word of the Lord might be disseminated far and wide. August 28, 2021:
Paulines get together to talk at length about what the Pauline Family Founder Blessed James Alberione called the "Four Wheels of the Pauline Cart." How do we live these out in practical ways? September 4, 2021
Fr. Michael Harrington, IJP is a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston and an avid Pauline soul. Join the conversation and be inspired! October 30, 2021
Fr. Matthew Roehrig, SSP is a priest of the Society of St. Paul and Formation Director for the Institutes. Join other Paulines in this lovely conversation with our beloved Fr. Matthew. |