Eucharistic Adoration: Conversion of St Paul
(Daughters of Saint Paul/Pauline Books & Media)
The remote adoration experience offered on this page is a sample of a guided holy hour.
Unlike the private holy hours that are the mainstay of most parish adoration ministries, the guided holy hour is a tool that parishes can employ daily, weekly, or monthly on a regular basis, or periodically in the context of a parish mission event.
The goal of an A.R.E. You Ready? Parish Mission event is to facilitate encounter with Christ via a mission presentation, followed by the guided Pauline Parish Holy Hour.
During the Pauline Parish Holy Hour (PPHH), the power, purpose, and passion of Jesus Christ and His Church are brought clearly into focus, while acts of thanksgiving, adoration, repentance, and conversion are facilitated.
Participants in the parish mission will renew their love for Jesus as the Way, Truth, and Life -- the crux of Pauline spirituality -- and be guided into a profound encounter with the Risen Lord, while giving thanks for the life-saving truths of the Gospel, the Church, and the spiritual life born from and nourished by the sacraments. The guided Holy Hour is a corporate act of adoration involving group recitation of prayers, parishioner-led prayer, and profound silence.
Eucharistic Adoration is an extension of the Holy Mass and a powerful means of cultivating union with Christ. In Holy Hours of Adoration, we are strengthened to exercise virtue and we grow in the wisdom needed to answer the daily human question: "What must I do?"
A.R.E. You Ready Parish Mission
Welcome! Have you scheduled your A.R.E You Ready parish mission retreat? Are you eager to build your Pauline Parish Cell? Here are the tools you will need.
If you have arrived at this page through the agency of a friend and need to start at the beginning, note carefully the first steps of the process listed below.
When you host an A.R.E. You Ready Parish Mission retreat, you give a refreshing drink to the thirsty. When you establish a Pauline Parish Cell (PPC), you establish a water fountain in the parish!
The PPC:
- promotes Eucharistic Adoration in your parish
- heals individuals and families
- rejuvenates parish membership
- facilitates the return of family members, friends, and acquaintances to the Faith
- forms parishioners in the deep spirituality of Saint Paul
- opens other opportunities for collaboration, learning, and spiritual growth with the Pauline Family of 10 religious and secular institutes of consecrated life
Please see the DIGITAL RESOURCES available below to help you achieve with Christ the miracles you long to see: more Catholics more faithfully returning love for His love by living lives that glorify Him and by believing in His Real Presence among us, receiving Holy Communion reverently and frequently, and achieving new heights of holiness thereby. In this way, we will cause as many souls as possible to come to Him, enter the cleansing bath of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and maintain His Presence in the Temple of each one's mind, heart, and will from one Communion to the next. Let us then altogether say with Saint Paul, "It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me" (Galatians 2:20).
Let's share the life-changing core of Pauline spirituality: encounter with Christ in the Eucharist. When we encounter Christ, as Saint Paul did, we will be changed forever--and so will the people around us. Let's make this the best year of Jesus' life by bringing many souls back to His Sacred Heart of Love!
Having a "team" shirt builds cohesiveness and a sense of belonging. We all like to live life on our own terms as individuals. It's the American way! But when we temper this natural inclination and express a corporate identity with others, it is a beautiful act of charity similar to what members of a religious order do every day when they wear the same habit. It says that we are not alone in this but together. United we stand, divided we fall! And unity is the bond of peace at the very center of the Triune God we worship.
The shirt's logo also functions as a conversation-starter. You may wear it while out running errands and someone may ask you, "What does 'ARE you ready' mean?" This gives you an opportunity to have a frank conversation about "keeping the end in mind" while living life to the full. You may even find a way to invite them to the next Pauline Holy Hour or Eucharistic Adoration opportunity in your parish. Drawing others into an Encounter with the Risen Lord in Adoration is life-changing for them, whether they realize it or not. You do your part and the LORD will do the rest.
Start a shirt order for your group by emailing [email protected] for a digital copy of the shirt logo! |