Politics and the Christian Life
By Maria Christi
In his famous presidential speech, John F. Kennedy reminded U.S. citizens and the world: "Evil thrives when good men do nothing."
Jesus calls us as Christians to be Salt in a world in which all efforts to preserve ourselves fail. As Christians, we are called to be Light despite our constant struggle against the darkness of personal sin and social disorder. We know that, despite the odds, come what may, we cannot do nothing. Christ gave his ALL to change the world for love of us; as His disciples, we must follow in His footsteps, striving without ceasing to develop, maintain, and preserve the order God's Life and Law brings to the world.
When Jesus instructed His followers to "turn the other cheek", He was not talking about looking the other way in the face of evil! Nor was He advocating weakness in the face of political injustice or oppression. On the contrary, He gave us a profound teaching about how to live in a political reality that needs our constant exhortation and influence to keep it from falling into states of social injustice.
What does this mean for us today? In the context of Jesus' day, to "turn the other cheek" was a subtle statement inviting one's persecutor to recognize one's humanity and personal dignity. When we are confronted with political oppression today, we too must restate our dignity as human beings who, endowed by God (and not by the State) with "certain unalienable rights," must continue to defend and protect those rights. In our day, we find under attack the fundamental rights enumerated by our founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence, namely: LIFE, LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. In American society today:
We cannot afford to do nothing.
To minimize political and civic engagement as ancillary to concerns of faith or religion is to shirk our duty toward our fellow human beings with whom we live and whom we must love and defend as though it were Christ Himself. We are Christians destined for a heavenly kingdom, yes; but we are Christians born into a particular society at a particular time in history for God's mysterious purpose and design. We are made for the unique challenges that our generation on the planet presents. We must face them. We must not back down or hide the Light of Truth under our proverbial bushel baskets. You are the light of a the world; a city on a hill cannot be hidden but must shine light for all to see (cf. Matthew 5:14).
As 21st century American Christians, we have a particular duty to defend and protect ourselves and one another from encroachments by any and all foreign, national or local powers upon our Constitutional rights. This is the drama of our time. We must vigilantly -- yes, even religiously -- guard against those who would seek to subvert the proper social order, those checks and balances of power which our founding fathers and mothers sought and fought much for, and which are enumerated in the documents associated with the founding of this country -- a country defined as "one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all" (Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America). Each Christian in other countries must do the same, seeking out what is just and equitable in his or her own nation for the good of his or her fellow countrymen and women. Evil thrives when good men do nothing. Can we really call ourselves "good" if we fail to fight the flourishing of evil?
So what can good people do? Below are some key steps to take.
Jesus calls us as Christians to be Salt in a world in which all efforts to preserve ourselves fail. As Christians, we are called to be Light despite our constant struggle against the darkness of personal sin and social disorder. We know that, despite the odds, come what may, we cannot do nothing. Christ gave his ALL to change the world for love of us; as His disciples, we must follow in His footsteps, striving without ceasing to develop, maintain, and preserve the order God's Life and Law brings to the world.
When Jesus instructed His followers to "turn the other cheek", He was not talking about looking the other way in the face of evil! Nor was He advocating weakness in the face of political injustice or oppression. On the contrary, He gave us a profound teaching about how to live in a political reality that needs our constant exhortation and influence to keep it from falling into states of social injustice.
What does this mean for us today? In the context of Jesus' day, to "turn the other cheek" was a subtle statement inviting one's persecutor to recognize one's humanity and personal dignity. When we are confronted with political oppression today, we too must restate our dignity as human beings who, endowed by God (and not by the State) with "certain unalienable rights," must continue to defend and protect those rights. In our day, we find under attack the fundamental rights enumerated by our founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence, namely: LIFE, LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. In American society today:
- Sensible protections to LIFE in the womb are banned while violations of life in the womb are aggressively marketed and protected by federal agenda.
- Constitutional LIBERTIES are declared defunct by the "Patriot Act" in cases of government-defined "national emergency."
- Freedom of religion, including not only the freedom to pray in schools and at sporting events, but also to live according to one's moral conscience is daily being suppressed. Constructing a society without reference to God the Creator is to limit our ability to pursue lives of HAPPINESS based on a living relationship with God. Religion (from the Latin religio, meaning "relationship") forms a person's highest and most sacred principles and ideals for living; in this way, it is necessary for the pursuit of happiness.
We cannot afford to do nothing.
To minimize political and civic engagement as ancillary to concerns of faith or religion is to shirk our duty toward our fellow human beings with whom we live and whom we must love and defend as though it were Christ Himself. We are Christians destined for a heavenly kingdom, yes; but we are Christians born into a particular society at a particular time in history for God's mysterious purpose and design. We are made for the unique challenges that our generation on the planet presents. We must face them. We must not back down or hide the Light of Truth under our proverbial bushel baskets. You are the light of a the world; a city on a hill cannot be hidden but must shine light for all to see (cf. Matthew 5:14).
As 21st century American Christians, we have a particular duty to defend and protect ourselves and one another from encroachments by any and all foreign, national or local powers upon our Constitutional rights. This is the drama of our time. We must vigilantly -- yes, even religiously -- guard against those who would seek to subvert the proper social order, those checks and balances of power which our founding fathers and mothers sought and fought much for, and which are enumerated in the documents associated with the founding of this country -- a country defined as "one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all" (Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America). Each Christian in other countries must do the same, seeking out what is just and equitable in his or her own nation for the good of his or her fellow countrymen and women. Evil thrives when good men do nothing. Can we really call ourselves "good" if we fail to fight the flourishing of evil?
So what can good people do? Below are some key steps to take.
- Research political candidates carefully. Your vote is a moral action. Your vote matters.
- Vote early. Don't let unforeseen events or an over-busy schedule allow you to fail in the execution of your civic duty to vote.
- Support local candidates that will protect your rights at the local level. What hope do you have of having your voice being heard on the national level? "Put not your faith in men, nor your trust in princes" (Psalm 146:3). Make justice your sacrifice and hope in the Lord. The sacrifice of your time and resources to support Godly men and women in public office is necessary to protect your rights and the rights of your children and your children's children. This is especially true when electing the local sheriff who, having executive powers in your locale, can defend you from the encroachments upon your personal rights by national governmental bodies.
- Recognize that state and national governments can make unlawful laws. Not everything that issues forth from the mouth of legislators redounds to the glory of God, upholds the established law of our land (the Constitution) or cooperates with the one true Law that comes from God. If a human law does not agree with God's law, it violates the conscience of the Christian to keep it. It is our Christian duty to stand in opposition to unjust laws. A perfect example of this is found in the court cases challenging implementation of the Health and Human Services Mandate, an unlawful mandate which violates the conscience rights of citizens and corporate entities by seeking to force complicity with (abortifacient) procedures upon those whose faculty of conscience finds such complicity morally abhorrent.
"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical" (Thomas Jefferson). - Establish a Constitutional Small Prayer Group (CSPG) in order to pray for social justice and to educate the populace to recognize tyranny and reject each and every encroachment by local, national or foreign powers upon unalienable human rights.
- Join other CSPGs in the task of educating local sheriffs, deputies, and police officers regarding the constitutional rights of the citizens they are sworn to protect. Work with others to check control of national and foreign entities with whom local officials may unwittingly cooperate without recognizing the serious encroachments they are allowing on the rights of local citizens.
- Educate yourself, your loved ones and your community about the pressing issues of the day -- those things which are generally overlooked by the media pundits and from which arrogant-minded individuals seek to distract the masses by sensational news stories. For example, we have become too often distracted by endless media coverage of terrorism and acts of terrorism; yet, has there not been uncovered much evidence -- including eyewitness accounts -- to suggest that such acts of terrorism were staged and/or perpetrated by our very own government? As preposterous as this may sound, such investigations raise serious questions about the trustworthiness of our out-of-control, controlling, big government. To go to such lengths to sway public opinion in favor of tighter and tighter governmental restriction and control over people and corporations is treasonous at best. Do we really want such an entity to control all aspects of human life in the nation including: healthcare, education, childcare, beginning and end-of-life issues, wages, food, housing and commerce? Do you know that U.S. tax law allows not only for taxation of every type of financial gain but even non-commerce-related "potential-for-financial gain"? Is this not utterly absurd and maddening? These are serious matters which beg for both reflection and action. Let us, like our forebears, take time out of the modern busy lifestyle with its endless "musts" and entertainments to gather as a group and discuss these matters which weigh heavily upon us in this country, and indeed upon all of mankind on the globe today. Attentiveness is required for the good of every society.
- Take action as a CSPG in whatever Christ-centered ways your group deems necessary to effect political justice on the local level. Campaign for a local Sheriff who understands the role of the local Sheriff as one which protects citizens and upholds the Constitution.

Visit the website of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association to learn more about the important role your local Sheriff and law enforcement officers have in protecting your Constitutional liberties.